Christchurch Buddhist Centre

The Four Noble Truths

Fri January 24th, Fri February 28th
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The Buddha’s first, simple, yet profound, teaching of the Four Noble Truths contains the entire path to awakening. One can easily discover that the vast amount of books subsequently written on the Buddha’s Dharma spring from this unique teaching. This great body of literature will perhaps treat a specific aspect, may unpack another, offering varying perspectives on the Four Noble Truths.

Such is the importance of this teaching. It is so fundamental that any serious practitioner of the Buddha’s Dharma would have spent some time meditating on these truths.

The Buddha’s genius and boundless compassion are revealed in the fact that his teaching can be practised without any ‘religious’ demand whatsoever made of the practitioner. All that one has to do is: give it an honest try, look and see for oneself.

Aimed at those who wish to know – or know more – about this fundamental Buddhist teaching. This talk will attempt to present the teaching in a pragmatic, easy to approach manner. Far from a pessimistic look on our existence, this teaching is an invitation to discover the beauty and joy that can be experienced in everyday life.

Pierrick Parigot has been a practising Buddhist for over 25 years. He has learned meditation and has been taught much on the Dharma (Buddhist Teachings) when involved with the Triratna Buddhist Order. Pierrick has also led, co-led and organised Buddhist retreats and workshops in France and here in New Zealand. Pierrick tries to present the Dharma in ways that are easily accessible to most people, and immediately applicable in daily life.

The Dharma is a living teaching, enacted by us, not just words in dusty tomes, and it is Pierrick’s wish to offer this teaching in a dynamic and enthusiastic way, by involving the audience in the discovery of the Buddha’s message.


Free. Any donations supporting the activities of the Christchurch Buddhist Centre are appreciated.


Christchurch Buddhist Centre
43 Harrow Street
Phillipstown 8011
New Zealand